Saturday, October 11, 2008

new widget

See sidebar. Courtesy of The Take Away. (Clickthrough to see it all big like and interact with it.)

The electoral college predictor visualization "provides an overview of the predicted outcome of the upcoming US presidential elections. rows depict the results as reported from different news agencies, such as the Washington Post, The New York Times or CNN, while the columns represent the different US states, with their width according to the number of votes. the swing states, & in particular the lack of consensus among the news agencies, can be easily discerned in the middle of the graph."

via Information Aesthetics

1 comment:

anne said...

this is very cool, ms. hoo - thanks for sharing!

it appears all the states surrounding Colorado lean McCain, as does Colorado - i am surprised that the mountain west is more conservative than i thought

still undecided myself, after 3 debates...

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