Friday, November 14, 2008

win without fail

When Nestlé rolled out their candy in the Far East, locals couldn't help but notice how close the words "Kit Kat" were to "Kitto-Katsu," which roughly translates to "win without fail." In time, students began to believe that eating a Kit Kat before they took their exams would result in a higher grade, which is the major reason the Kit Kat brand is doing so well in Japan's overcrowded retail market.

Nestlé went one step further by rolling out their Kit Kats in a blue bag -- to make people think of the sky, as in Heaven -- and printing the words "Prayers to God" on the package. It seems that Kit Kats are scoring in Asia not just because they are considered good luck, but because on the Nestlé Web site, browsers can enter a prayer that they believe will be sent up to a higher power.

From Martin Lindstrom's Buyology: Truth and Lies About Why We Buy.

More on Kit Kat in Japan »


Friendly Joe said...

Next you're going to tell me that Jiffy Pop won't give me Huge Pectoral Muscles...

bernthis said...

OMG- now I've heard it all. Let me know if chocolate chip ice-cream will lead me to get a boyfriend will you? I sure hope so.

anniemcq said...

sending this along to my sis-in-law who works for Nestle.


fuquinay said...

I like the whole notion of winning without fail, especially when it involves chocolate.

P.S. Word verification is detricis.

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