Wednesday, July 25, 2007

if nominated...

For my dear friend ms. anniemcq, as she mulls over all things electoral and presidential, I give you -- from my perch squarely astride my fence these some -- holy crap, what is it? 16 months? -- before we elect our next president? -- I give you an electoral diversion:

With my fingers squarely crossed that 16 months is time enough to get it right this time. I hope.

Video from
Scott Bateman on Hillary vs. Rudy vs. Mike.


anniemcq said...

Truly hysterical. And somewhat frightening. When the guy says "yeah, I got more excited about taking a road trip with them than voting for them!" And the Oprah thing - I think that's true. Sad, but true.
I'm all for a candidate that lets their charm take a back seat to their intelligence.

Sigh... I know it's over a year away. But I can just hardly wait until these SOB's are out of office.

Donna said...

YEEESSS! I'm voting for the toaster!!! Man, that is a load off my mind! Imagine what I will accomplish in the next 16 worry-free months! Great video!

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