He just said something like this (paraphrased): “It never occurred to me that seeing people’s faces would add to the story. It just never occurred to me.”
Uh, yeah. Welcome to the talkies, Ira.
(Don’t get me wrong: I’m a fan. But come on -- really? never?! I think you're being coy with us, Mr. Glass.)
But this is cool: Pledge now and get a DVD of the first Showtime episode – no minimum pledge, above and beyond the regular incentive. But you’ve gotta call quick: 877-366-8924 – or pledge online.
And you don't even have to live in Chicagoland to do it.
p.s. Some free advice for the folks over at WBEZ -- go ahead and put your pledge telephone number on your home page. Real big. Real prominent. And not in an ad banner like you've got now -- people are blind to ad banners. It'll help. I promise. (And yes: I really do get paid to tell people things like this. Is this country great or what?)
[Comic credit: Brilliant Artbabe Jessica Abel]
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