Wednesday, March 19, 2008

straight talk

Video: Barack Obama's A More Perfect Union adddress

As far as I know, he's the first politician since the Civil War to recognize how deeply embedded slavery and race have been in our Constitution. That's a profoundly important thing to say.

Professor Paul Finkelman of Albany Law School, commenting in this morning's New York Times on Senator Barack Obama's We The People speech, delivered yesterday in Philadelphia.

& p.s.: baby quoted Faulkner in his speech. WILLIAM FRICKIN' FAULKNER.

You wanna win my heart forever? Quote friggin' Faulkner. (Or Borges.)

The Past isn't Dead and Buried. In fact it isn't even past.

oh, &p.p.s. The author of the speech that Barack Obama delivered yesterday in Philadelphia? Barack Obama.


anniemcq said...

I love that he wrote the speech himself. Refreshing, isn't it?

I, Rodius said...

That's an extraordinary speech on a variety of levels. He comes across as not only intelligent and an excellent speaker, but an honest man. A brave and honest man. I can almost see myself getting behind him. What other politician wouldn't have just shoved that pastor under the bus and moved on?

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